Thursday, August 18, 2011

Weatherizing Double Hung Windows

I have double hung windows that have Aluminum tracks that are spring loaded. There are no counterbalancing weights. The Aluminum track under pressure holds the window.
While I was replacing the brick moulding I noticed that the way these windows are built is there is a wide opening behind the tracks and the vertical window support(don't know the term for it, the vertical wood that the track fits on to!)
Anyway,there is no impediment for air to flow through these tracks, in and out.
So this winter I'm got some v-shaped plastic weatherstrip that has adhesive onone side and I'm slipping it betwee the stop and the aluminum. Hopefully that will shut off air going out/coming in.
I also have storm windows so that might be why I haven't had a more severe loss of warm air.
I'll let you know next spring how it worked out.

By the way, when replacing the brick moulding I got some special adhesive backed tape that has some sort of asphalt backing. I applied it to the outside of the window over the stop and the frame before I installed the brick moulding. So that should help a great deal too.

IF you have any questions, please contact me and I'll explain what I probably have poorly written.

Replacing brick moulding on windows

My brick moulding required a 2 1/2 inch brick mould that is not available in any of the big box stores. My old builders supplier, F.E. Wheaton Co, now has moved to Yorkvill, Il and has been sold to Probuild. They have the material. Unfortunately it is not vinyl, but hey, you probably won't have to replace it again, since the first one lasted 25+ years. Probuild in Yorkville, also has the sill-nose as well as the sill (if you are unfortunate enough to have to replace that).
Again, contact me and I'll show you how to do all this.

Re-Glazing Windows

If you have double hung windows, glazing is probably required to remove and replace the existing glaze(putty). Arduous task, but too expensive to send to the glazier so I learned it myself looking at videos on youtube, etc.

Contact me if you want to know how to do it. You can do it.

Making sliding shelves

Its basically creating a simple drawer and adding slides. Slides are from Blumotion. I did buy two of them and made the rest myself.
The drawer is made from plywood(Baltic type) that is nicer to look.
If you want to make some, contact me and I'll walk you through the steps. You can make 1 and see if you like making them. Or you can buy one and try to make one similar.